Just Thinking…
Out Of Office
As is the case with any major world-changing event, the way I see all kinds of things has been flipped over and reversed, and that includes office life.
Big Fish, Little Fish
For so long, we’ve been looking at things as if they were beneath the ripples of a lake. We’ve become accustomed to distortion, to being afraid to get a little cold or soggy in order to take a closer look.
Beautiful People, You Can Do Hard Things.
Difficult, annoying, inconvenient, and frightening are not the same as impossible, and it’s time we started expecting excellence from ourselves.
Making It Through With Metaphor
It’s allowed a lot of us to understand how a virus works, and how we keep a society going through stress and isolation. It’s been our comfort, popping up in the movies, tv shows, books and music we’ve consumed while we waited for the world to open up again. I’d wager it’s been part of how we see each other, and how we see ourselves in the emerging “new normal”.
For Those Who’ve Lost Their Curiosity
I’m scared that what we’ve gone through recently has squeezed curiosity out of us, that we’re just trying to get by, and we’ve ceased to notice that there’s a universe worth of hidden ideas tucked away in it. I’m scared that we’re now too tired to search. Perhaps we’ve seen so much unthinkable awful that we just don’t want to tip over any more rocks, for fear that there will be more awful. Curiosity often yields the unexpected, and we’ve been given huge doses of the unexpected.
An Ode To Stubbornness (And Why It Isn’t Stupid)
I’ll willingly admit that we are selfish, crude, arrogant and that we have the collective sense of humour of an overtired toddler. But we aren’t stupid. Not even close.
Addicted To Asides: Why I’m Like Deadpool
If I’m awake (and maybe when I’m asleep), I’m in a heated discussion with hypothetical “others”, some of whom agree with me, and some of whom play devil’s advocate. It’s like I have a built-in fanfic generator for real life, one that allows me to run through a series of what-ifs at any given moment.
A Plague of Otherness
As we’re finally starting to get a handle on a virus that’s kept us apart, it’s becoming apparent just how detached we’ve been all along.
Confessions of a Non-Treehugger
I know that I’m a little speck, connected to all kinds of other little specks. If anything, being a little on edge in the great outdoors has made me more humble about my place in the great scheme of things.
Why We Don’t Like To Pay Artists
It’s universal. It’s primal. My human friends, we all deserve art. It’s not amusing or adorable. It’s freakin’ important.
How Big A Leap Is It?
Here’s to all kinds of bravery, and to the thrill of the leap, whether it be over a cliff, into the deep, or somewhere a little more metaphorical.
Just A Little Bit Angry
My anger is not main dish, but more like a condiment. My anger is a dollop of ketchup or a squeeze of lemon. It’s a teaspoon of festive red sprinkles.
Philosophy Is Not A Four Letter Word.
Here’s the bottom line, folks: philosophy is a life skill, dare I say even a survival skill.