Writer and Friendly Neighbourhood Philosopher

Just Thinking…

Idunno, Bud.
Philosophy Without Tears Amy Leask Philosophy Without Tears Amy Leask

Idunno, Bud.

When asked who we are, I want to be able to answer with more than just not this or that, but I also want us to feel proud that we’re a place in flux, a nation of seekers and explorers and questioners. I don’t want the ink to be allowed to dry entirely. I love and cherish the unwritten parts of our story.

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Yes, Asking Big Questions Is Still Helpful.
Philosophy Without Tears Amy Leask Philosophy Without Tears Amy Leask

Yes, Asking Big Questions Is Still Helpful.

We like to divide things into eithers and ors, don’t we? No great revelation there. Among these binaries is the notion that there are thinkers and doers, and perhaps not enough between. For obvious reasons, philosophers get plunked into the “thinker” category, and all kinds of assumptions are made about our willingness/ability to do anything other than think.

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If Our Stuff Could Talk…
Slice of Life Amy Leask Slice of Life Amy Leask

If Our Stuff Could Talk…

If you work from home like I do, you spend a fair bit of time surrounded by your things, even more so if you’re a collector, an art enthusiast, or a maximalist (I am all three). I know my dogs watch me go about my daily routine with some interest, but what about the objects in my house, the things that surround me as I do the things I do?

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I Am the Yeti…Again.
Amy Leask Amy Leask

I Am the Yeti…Again.

The book was great fun to write (I even made it rhyme), and it played into one of my very favourite questions in philosophy: What are we, and why do we do the things we do?

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On Aesop, and the Comfort of Pebbles
Slice of Life Amy Leask Slice of Life Amy Leask

On Aesop, and the Comfort of Pebbles

Call it an Aesop moment, I guess. You think of how other creatures function (even metaphorically), and suddenly you feel like a big, clueless human who’s missed some important life lesson. So, I took to looking up other animals for whom pebbles mean something important. More animals, more pebbles, more wisdom.

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Parenting Through All of…This
Philosophy Without Tears Amy Leask Philosophy Without Tears Amy Leask

Parenting Through All of…This

Parenting right now is hard, in so many ways and on so many levels. But as I tell my kid, and probably many others tell theirs, we can do hard things. In these unprecedented times, we can parent in unprecedented ways, and raise unprecedented kids who find unprecedented ways to live. They’re smart enough, and so are we.

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All You Need Is…A Sixth Love Language
Amy Leask Amy Leask

All You Need Is…A Sixth Love Language

I trust you with my idea. I trust that you won’t turn up your nose at it without giving it due consideration. I hope that you trust me to do the same. I hope that we both put our trust in reason and dialogue, that we give our ideas a place to sit and expand.

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The Dog’s Nose: A Metaphor for Better Thinking
Philosophy Without Tears Amy Leask Philosophy Without Tears Amy Leask

The Dog’s Nose: A Metaphor for Better Thinking

If we allowed ourselves to think the way a dog uses their nose, with complexity, depth and discernment, think of the ripple effect it might have. What if we chose to see our world in detail, to marvel at it at a granular level, to take the time to sort, analyze and digest it, small bite by small bite. What if we allowed ourselves to notice all the things that we ordinarily choose to miss, the diverse, the interesting, the useful, and the beautiful?

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Man, I Feel Like A Gen X.
Slice of Life Amy Leask Slice of Life Amy Leask

Man, I Feel Like A Gen X.

I’m comfortable living out this stereotype, and I feel like, with everything that’s going on right now, it may be time to put it to good use. If you need me, I’ll be over here, a willing mind and extra set of hands, drinking from the hose and waiting.

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